STUDY/Data Engineering

[kodekloud] 02 Scheduling : Taints and Tolerations 풀이

wonpick 2023. 1. 23. 00:43
Q1. How many nodes exist on the system?
alias k=kubectl; k get nodes

Q2.Do any taints exist on node01 node?
kubectl describe node node01 | grep -i taints
# i 옵션 : 특정 문자열을 대소문자 구분 없이 검색

Q3. Create a taint on node01 with key of spray, value of mortein and effect of NoSchedule
 k taint node node01 spray=mortein:NoSchedule
 #kubectl taint NODE NAME KEY_1=VAL_1:TAINT_EFFECT_1 ... KEY_N=VAL_N:TAINT_EFFECT_N [options]

이전에는 none이 었던 taint가 변경된것을 확인할 수 있다. 

Q4. Create a new pod with the nginx image and pod name as mosquito.
k run mosquito --image=nginx

명령형 접근법
선언형 접근법

Q5. What is the state of the POD?

Q6. Why do you think the pod is in a pending state?
k describe pods

POD Mosquito cannot tolerate taint Mortein

Q7. Create another pod named bee with the nginx image, which has a toleration set to the taint mortein.
k run bee --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > bee.yaml #파일 생성
k create -f bee.yaml

  - key: spray
    value: mortein
    effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Equal


Q8. Notice the bee pod was scheduled on node node01 despite the taint.


Q9. Do you see any taints on controlplane node?
k describe  node controlplane

Q10. Remove the taint on controlplane, which currently has the taint effect of NoSchedule.
kubectl taint nodes controlplane
Q11. What is the state of the pod mosquito on now?


Q12. Which node is the POD mosquito on now?
