STUDY/Data Engineering
[kodekloud] 02 Scheduling : Daemonsets 풀이
2023. 1. 23. 17:30
Q1. How many DaemonSets are created in the cluster in all namespaces?
kubectl get daemonsets --all-namespaces
Q2. Which namespace are the DaemonSets created in?
Q3. Which of the below is a DaemonSet?
>> kube-flannel-ds
Q4. On how many nodes are the pods scheduled by the DaemonSet kube-proxy?
Q5. What is the image used by the POD deployed by the kube-flannel-ds DaemonSet?
kubectl describe daemonset kube-flannel-ds --namespace=kube-flannel
Q6. Deploy a DaemonSet for FluentD Logging. Use the given specifications.
kubectl create deployment elasticsearch \
-n kube-system --dry-run=client -o yaml > fluentd.yaml
k create -f fluentd.yaml
1. 데몬셋을 바로 생성할 수 없는 이유 (stackoverflow)