[kodekloud] 01 Core Concepts : Service 풀이
Q1. How many Services exist on the system? alias k=kubectl; k get services Q2. What is the type of the default kubernetes service? 위에서 k get services 명령어를 통해 type이 clusterIP임을 확인했다. Q3. What is the targetPort configured on the kubernetes service? k describe services # 서비스가 1개만 있기 때문에 위의 명령어로도 가능하지만 정확한 서비스 명과 조회하려면 k describe svc kubernetes Q4. How many labels are configured on the kubernetes se..
[kodekloud] 01 Core Concepts : Namespaces 풀이
Q1. How many namespace exist? controlplane ~ ➜ k get namespaces Q2. How many pods exist in the research namespace? k get pods --namespace=research Q3. Create a POD in the finance namespace. Use the spec given below. Name: redis Image Name: redis k run redis --image=redis -n finance Q4. Which namespace has the blue pod in it? k get pods --all-namespaces | grep blue Q5. Access the Blue web applica..