
    [kodekloud] 04 Commands and Arguments 풀이 (살짝😵‍💫)

    Q1. How many PODs exist on the system? Q2. What is the command used to run the pod ubuntu-sleeper? Q3. Create a pod with the ubuntu image to run a container to sleep for 5000 seconds. Modify the file ubuntu-sleeper-2.yaml. Q4. Create a pod using the file named ubuntu-sleeper-3.yaml. There is something wrong with it. Try to fix it! Pod Name: ubuntu-sleeper-3 Command: sleep 1200 vi ubuntu-sleeper-..

    [kodekloud] 04 Rolling Updates and Rollbacks 풀이

    Q1. We have deployed a simple web application. Inspect the PODs and the Services Q2. What is the current color of the web application? Q3. Run the script named to send multiple requests to test the web application. Take a note of the output. Q4. Inspect the deployment and identify the number of PODs deployed by it k describe deployment k get deploy Q5. What container image is used t..

    [kodekloud] 03 Managing Application Logs 풀이

    Q1. We have deployed a POD hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start. Q2. A user - USER5 - has expressed concerns accessing the application. Identify the cause of the issue. Q3. We have deployed a new POD - webapp-2 - hosting an application. Inspect it. Wait for it to start. Q4. A user is reporting issues while trying to purchase an item. Identify the user and the cause of the iss..

    [kodekloud] 03 Monitor Cluster Components 풀이

    Q1. We have deployed a few PODs running workloads. Inspect them. Wait for the pods to be ready before proceeding to the next question. Q2.Let us deploy metrics-server to monitor the PODs and Nodes. Pull the git repository for the deployment files. Q3. Deploy the metrics-server by creating all the components downloaded. Run the kubectl create -f . command from within the downloaded repository. 이하..